Concealer Tone Up is an orange-based concealer for the eye area. The product is designed to offer a natural but effective coverage while maintaining the moisture level in the eye area.
The limited-edition Base Makeup Kit includes:
– Dual Pressed Powder (full-sized product)
– Foundation (cream-type foundation, 16g)
– Makeup Base Creamy (7g, see review here)
– original pouch
I’d expect these two items to be available in the UK shortly after they are launched in Japan.
Related posts:
SUQQU Base Makeup Kit (Spring/Summer 2009)
SUQQU Fall 2009 Collection
(including the base makeup item Polish Face Color)
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Hi PJ,
I was just wondering if you know any resources showing the ingredients list of Suqqu products in English?
I've recently purchased the liquid foundation aqua during a trip to Tokyo but have no idea what's in it. I've not been able to locate the ingredients list on COSDNA.
Any leads would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Hi Kathia,
SUQQU's official websites (Global and Japanese) do not feature full ingredient lists of the products, but the products sold in the UK do have the full ingredient lists in English on the outer boxes.
I think one of the ways to look for the ingredient list of Liquid Foundation Aqua is to look for people (bloggers or makeup forum members) that have bought the product in the UK.
If I come across any information that might be helpful to you, I will post another reply under this post.
Thank you very much for your question! :)
Hi Kathia,
It occurred to me that you might want to ask Grace (at http://www.londonmakeupgirl.com) about Liquid Foundation Aqua. I don't think it has been featured on her blog, but she has tried quite a few products from SUQQU and she may have tried it.
Hope it helps! :)
Thanks PJ!
I'll look her up too.
Hi Kathia,
You are very welcome! :)