(image from www.lancome-usa.com)
(promotional image in the UK)
(Notice the differences!)
You have probably read from great beauty sites like Makeup Bag about Lancôme’s spring 2008 collection.
I saw the collection in the shops a while ago. Then, as I was reading about the US release, I noticed some differences in what the collections consist of. While the L.U.C.I Eyes palette (in the seashell shape) sold in the US has the bronze shade, the two sold in the UK feature turquoise and blue. (The bronze option doesn’t seem to be available here.)
On the UK promotional image, both models are wearing the turquoise palette, which the model on the right (Daria Werbowy) is holding in her hand.
Moreover, all three palettes are available in Japan:
The collection, L.U.C.I. (which stands for “Luminescent Ultra Colour Intelligence”), is Gucci Westman’s last collection for Lancôme. The identity of this collection is marked by the iridescent reflectiveness in various items.
I was paying particular attention to the shades of the shimmer and iridescence. For the L.U.C.I Eyes palettes, the white shade in A Ray of Green Light (the one with the turquoise) has yellowish green iridescence, while the one in A Ray of Blue Light has lilac iridescence.
Other iridescent/shimmer hues can be seen in:
The pale Color Fever Shine lipstick: pinkish lilac iridescence
The pale Color Fever Gloss: blue shimmer (not iridescence)
Ombre Glacée (in A Ray of Pink Light): pink iridescence
Traceur Design Eyeliner: lilac iridescence
The pink nail color: subtle blue iridescence
Some of the iridescent hues are quite intense, especially those from the white shades in the L.U.C.I. Eyes palettes.
This collection is certainly very unique and has a coherent concept and a distinctive look. For this, this collection deserves accolade, and I think makeup fans will constantly refer back to some of these items.
For me personally, even though I love blue-tinted lip glosses and lilac eyeshadows, I surprised myself by not being overly excited about this collection. I think I prefer the iridescence to be slightly more subtle. (I’d have to be very careful and use these shades very sparingly.)
But, if you like iridescent shimmer, you can surely add an eye-catching accent color to your eyes, lips or nails with this collection. Or, if you like a bit of an edge, then some of these items are definitely worth checking out.
Related Posts:
Dior Holiday 2007 Collection
(Again, notice the more extensive Dior Holiday 2007 range in the UK and Japan)
My Shopping List for Japan
(more things that can’t be found in the US or Europe)
{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }
I didn’t find the Lancome new product very attractive too~
For Lancome eyeshadow, I love the Color Focus Duo – Night & Day.
The dark shimmering grey color inside is very splendid and beautiful.
Hi CC,
Thank you for letting me know about Night & Day. I will definitely test the dark shade at the counter next time!
I have a Color Design eyeshadow single in Pearly Angel. I quite like it. (You can read a little bit about it here if you happen to be interested.)
Thank you for posting your comment again! :)
Hmmm…so the pale Color Fever Gloss has blue iridescence then, aye? Then I’ll probably buy it sometime though I’m saving my money up to buy Dior’s Wildest Blue, Givenchy’s Iced Mint, and Givenchy’s new blue nail polish.
Which by the way! my damn excursion to the Galleria was a bust since our Saks’ Givenchy counter didn’t have their new collection in. I left my name and number and so they said they’ll call me when they get it in but the problem with that is that I’ll only be able to get the nail polish. I wanted the blue-violet Captiv’Eyes mascara and the deep blue-violet lipstick as well and since my father monitors my bank account…well, I was all set on buying that collection with my small horde of cash. So this really truly sucks.
By the way, this be Angelique. I’ve got myself a smallish blog now. Nothing there yet, but hopefully there will be soon.
And I’ll devote a whole entry to my blue lipgloss collection in honor of you.
Hi Angelique,
Thank you for your comment!
Just to clarify, the pale Color Fever Gloss has blue shimmer, not iridescence (not the kind of (pink/lilac) iridescence in the pale Color Fever Shine Lipstick). It is essentially a sheer lip gloss with some blue shimmering sparkles. It looks quite nice actually.
I see…Perhaps you can pick up one item that you want from the Givenchy spring collection at a time, finance-permitting of course! :)
Thank you for letting me know about your new blog. Enjoy blogging! When you post the entry on blue lip glosses, do please drop me a note about it to make sure I don’t miss out. I look forward to reading it!
Also, hope you will get the Wildest Blue and Iced Mint soon!
Thank you for posting your comment again! :)
i think i’ll link to this page in my next entry!
Hello Eword (Darialogist),
Thank you for visiting my blog and thank you as well in advance for linking to this post!
You have a great blog on Daria Werbowy. It is nice to see that you are not going along the celebrity-gossip route. You have a lot of information on your blog and I will go back constantly to update myself. (In the meantime, thank you for posting a short biography on her.)
I do like Daria’s look. It is soft and feminine but in a contemporary way…
Thank you again for posting your comment on my blog!
OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD!!! I just got my Ray of Green Light… LOVELY! I told my girl to keep the blue palette for me too! Its not too much! You can layer to your desired results so that it can be as tame as you want and as explosive as you wish! I also bought the fever gloss, Ray of Purple Light and will be getting the blue palette with the lipstick when the shipment for the lipstick comes… had to even get it reserved!
My first post here!
I have seen the new Lancôme collection in a shop, and isn’t impressive at all :(
Hi Cosine,
I do think The Ray of Green Light is a pretty palette. But, in terms of the white iridescent eyeshadow next to the main shade, I think I prefer the one with purple iridescence in The Ray of Blue Light palette.
I think, at the moment, my favorite item from the L.U.C.I. collection is the Color Fever Gloss with the blue shimmer. I like the nice tiny blue sparkles, which are quite sparse and not too frosty-looking.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts again. :)
Hi Paopao,
I see. I am very slightly underwhelmed as well. I hope Lancome will bring out some items in the future that you will like!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Thank you as well for visiting my blog. Hope to hear from you again soon! :)
Hello PJ,
Lancome finally got up their Canada site for this collection and all three palettes are available there too!
Hi Ebontien,
Thank you very much for letting me know this.
It is interesting that it appears that some of the brands in Canada are more in tune with the European lineups. In this case, it seems that it is only the US market that is not getting the green/turquoise and the blue shades for the L.U.C.I. Eyes…
Thank you again for your input on this topic!