(image from www.cosmedecorte.com/magiedeco/index.html)
The new line of product will be Pure Color eyeshadow singles, in 18 shades. Most of them are soft pastel shades for the spring.
New additions to the lineup include:
Shadow Brilliance 5-color eyeshadow palettes (2 new variations)
Lipsticks (6 new shades)
Fairy Rouge lip gloss (2 new shades)
Nail Color (5 new shades)

(image from www.cosmedecorte.com/magiedeco/index.html)
Some of the Pure Color eyeshadow singles look great as well, especially the lilacs and pinks. I look forward to seeing the packaging of the quad case. (The website doesn’t have a photo of it at the moment.)
Do have a browse at the Magie Deco website to see all the existing and the spring 2008 items. The website is easy to navigate in itself and half of the site is in English. Plus it has good photos of all the products and the various shades.
(Thank you, Betsy, for letting me know about the site update!)
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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }
Hi PJ,
The cool wind caught my eye too as did the case for the pure brilliance singles.
Hi Betsy,
Great to see you here again!
I really want to see the front of the case. I wonder what kind of design they are going to come up with. It could be a very simple case or a really elaborate one. We’ll see!
Thank you for commenting again! :)
i’m lusting after Shadow Brillance in 017, looks good!
but i have to admit that M.A.C. and Dior are slowly growing on me, and i’d much rather get their items than the Magic Deco items. HAHA!
oh, and the Estee Lauder Shimmering Shell Powder, shown in Voce’s 2008 Collection booklet, looks great! can’t wait to try it out. :D
Hi Sheaux,
I was showing my Voce booklet to my friend the other day, and she almost immediately pointed at the Shadow Brilliance in 017 and said she liked it. So it seems you two agree with each other! :) It is kind of growing on me too…
Estee Lauder’s Shimmering Shell Powder also looks like a potential best-seller for their spring collection… Do let me know if you get to try it!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! :)