Avene Thermal Water

by PJ on Sunday, January 28, 2007

in skincare, skincare - cleansing/toning, stash focus

(Pictured: my Avene Thermal Water)

My Shu Uemura Refreshing Lotion ran out and I knew it had been discontinued. So I asked a sample of another Shu Uemura toner beforehand (about a year ago). I tried it and liked it, thinking I would switch to this one.

I bought it last month and started using it a couple of weeks ago, and I actually didn’t like it. It felt a little bit thick on my face, and, more importantly, it made my skin flush just a little bit. As I decided not to use it anymore, I started to panic a little. I always use a toner but a really suitable one is very hard to come by. I can’t do alcohol, which rules out A LOT of toners. I also don’t like that sticky and filmy feel. It has to be something very fresh and calming. (I also tried not using a toner at all. That didn’t work. I know a toner is generally optional, but I actually need it.)

Then I started to think of all the toners I tired and kind of liked. Lancome’s Tonique Douceur is good, but it is still slightly filmy. Ayura’s AF1 toner is good too, but it is pricey and it is not available in the UK. (I would have to have my friend buy it for me, but that is too much of a hassle.) I needed something good and easily available locally.

Then I thought of Avene Thermal Water. I used it about 6 years ago. I used it to set my makeup and I didn’t like the effect. (Setting makeup with a face spray was never a good idea anyway, I later learned. It NEVER worked.) But it did feel light on my skin and certainly didn’t irritate it. Plus, my local Boots started to stock Avene products again. (It stopped stocking them about three years ago.) It was cheap anyway so I decided to give it a try.

I first bought the travel-size one (50ml). I used it for a couple of days and I liked it. It is of course really just spring water and it does feel light and refreshing. It calms my skin as well. I also notice that it seems to evaporate slightly more slowly (than if I splash tap water on my face). I think it might be because of the minute traces of silica that naturally exist in the spring water. But it does not feel filmy at all.

So far I am happy. I also bought the normal size a couple of days later.

I still have some samples of Ayura’s AF (Alcohol-Free) 1 toner and I will use them when I need to during this time of year (as they are more moisturising). But Avene Thermal Water will now be an official member of my skincare team.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Anonymous Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Well of course it’s not filmy since it’s just water.


PJ Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Thank you for your comment.

It is not just water, technically speaking. It is mineral water that contains other elements, including silica (which is pointed out by the brand), and what I pointed out is that, even though it has silica, it does not feel filmy.

Thank you again.


yilimi Thursday, March 19, 2009

hio, may i know where did you get yours? i’m interested in using it too.


PJ Friday, March 20, 2009

Hi Yilimi,

Thank you for your question. I got mine in my local Boots store. (I live in the UK.)

Do let me know what you think if you have a chance to try it. :)

Thank you for stopping by! :)


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