-KANEBO (Global Brand)

KANEBO Fall 2017 Makeup 1

(images from www.cosme.net,
info from www.kanebo-cosmetics.co.jp & www.cosme.net)


KANEBO (Global Brand) will release its fall 2017 makeup collection in Japan on September 8th. The collection includes:

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(continued from Part 1)

6th: Fasio

Kose Fasio Spring 2017 Makeup 1

(image from www.cosme.net)


I don’t usually use liquid eyeshadows, but I like quite a few shades (GR-5, PU-6, GD-7 and BR-9) from the Liquid Eye Color WP range from Fasio’s spring 2017 makeup collection. The product packaging appeals to me as well.

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KANEBO Spring 2017 Makeup 1

(images from www.cosme.net,
info from www.kanebo-global.com & www.cosme.net)


KANEBO (Global Brand) will release its spring 2017 makeup collection in Japan on February 10th. The collection includes:

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(continued from Part 1)

6th: THREE

THREE Fall 2016 Makeup Top 10 1

(image from www.fashion-press.net)


THREE’s fall 2016 Walk the Line makeup collection features the new Epic Mini Dash (below, in 01-07 (from left to right)), which can be used on the cheeks and the lips. (03, 04 and 06 look quite appealing to me.) The five new shades of Whisper Gloss for Eye (above) include a very pretty purple (10).

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KANEBO Fall Winter 2016 Base Makeup Skincare 1

(image & info from www.kanebo-cosmetics.co.jp)


On September 15th, Kanebo will launch KANEBO (Global Brand) in Japan. The new line will feature skincare, base makeup and point (color) makeup items, and it will be targeted at both the domestic and the international markets (more information on international availability below).

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