(“Hmm…what should I get from the new lineup?”)
I was browsing the latest (March) issue of In Style magazine today, and I came across the long-awaited news that Calvin Klein Beauty is launching in the UK in March. Finally!
According to In Style, Calvin Klein Beauty will be launched in House of Fraser on March 6th. But I am not sure how many House of Fraser branches will see the return of the cosmetics line. I am expecting the branch on Oxford Street in London to have it, and I will be stopping by next month!
I’ll keep you all posted!
Related Posts:
Calvin Klein Cosmetics Available on Sephora
(with my wish list)
First Look: Calvin Klein Cosmetics Counter
(first glance at the counter)
Bring It Back: Calvin Klein Cosmetics
(reminiscing the previous lineup)

(image from www.sephora.com)
The CK Calvin Klein Beauty line is now up on the Sephora websites in the US and Canada (thanks to a friend who alerted me to this).
This is the first time I was able to have a slightly better look at the range of the collection. It appears that the initial lineup provides a palette of wearable colors, which is obviously typical of a debut lineup (or re-debut in this case). Not particularly edgy or trend-sensitive at this point, but we will see how things evolve.
Just a few things that are on my list of potentials:
— Tempting Duo Intense Duo Eyeshadow
#213 Silky Sunset seems to be a nice combination of pink and lilac. It would be interesting to compare the texture and finish of the lilac eyeshadow in this duo with other lilac eyeshadows I have.
— Flush with Desire Velvet Blush
#101 Shiver and #104 Desire both appear to be wearable for me. I am suspecting the finish of this blusher range to be semi-matte.
— Subliminal Purity Mineral Based Loose Powder
I am still in my loose powder phase and I would be interested in trying this out.
If you have tried any item from the new line, please do let me know. I’d love to hear from you! The line should be launched over here in the UK soon, and it would be great to hear what you like and don’t like about the new beauty line.
Related Posts:
Calvin Klein Launched in Hong Kong
(Check out the photos of the counter. It seems that there are more color choices for some of the items, such as the two types of lipsticks.)
Bring It Back! Calvin Klein Cosmetics
(Compare the packagings of the two lineups.)

(image from The Bay Christmas 2007 catalog)
One of my readers, Ebontien, has very kindly scanned and sent me another great image of the ck Calvin Klein Beauty line from The Bay Christmas catelog. The shade of the Flush Desire Blush here looks good to me!
You may have heard from various sources that Sephora will be launching the Calvin Klein Beauty line this month in the US. (For more information, do check out the post from Beauty Anonymous.)
Here in the UK, another reader has left a comment and mentioned that the line will be launched in the new House of Fraser store in Belfast in May.
This is the news I have been waiting to hear, and I am very excited. Now I am expecting the launch in possibly other House of Fraser stores or perhaps other department stores in the UK very soon.
I’d better start setting aside a budget for this!
Related Posts:
Bring It Back! Calvin Klein Cosmetics
(reminiscing the discontinued collection)
New Calvin Klein Cosmetics: First Look
(from a kind reader in Hong Kong)
Calvin Klein Eyeshadow in Ivory
(my only Calvin Klein item…for the moment)

(the new Calvin Klein Beauty)
(scanned image from The Bay catalog)
As I mentioned in an update of a previous post, the brand new Calvin Klein beauty line has been launched in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Recently it has also been launched in Canada, available exclusively in The Bay.
One of my readers in Canada, Ebontien, has very kindly scanned an ad image from The Bay and images from the Calvin Klein makeup brochure, and she has generously let me share these images with all of you! Thank you, Ebontien!

(scanned image from the Calvin Klein brochure)

(scanned image from the Calvin Klein brochure)
These images show part of the line-up, including the lipstick, two lip glosses, the eyeshadow single, the mascara, the liquid eyeliner, and two foundations.
The packaging is simple and minimal, with a youthful edge. The emphasis is on the actual makeup shades. The black color scheme and the “CK” logo also remind me of CK Be, one of Calvin Klein’s earlier fragrances:

(Calvin Klein CK Be)
(image from www.amazon.co.uk)
As I understand, the Calvin Klein beauty line is recruiting in the US and should be launched next year. It should also appear in the UK soon. We’ll see!
Related Posts:
Bring It Back! Calvin Klein Cosmetics
(remembering the original Calvin Klein cosmetics line)
Calvin Klein Beauty Line: First Look at the Counter
(From Hong Kong!)
I Got It! Calvin Klein Eyeshadow
(my only Calvin Klein makeup purchase…for the moment)

(the new Calvin Klein ad display in Hong Kong)
Here is the first look of the new Calvin Klein Beauty!
A generous reader of mine, Sin, from Hong Kong, sent me these photos of the new Calvin Klein Beauty ad and counter display in Hong Kong. She has very kindly let me post them on my blog.

(the Calvin Klein counter)

(the Calvin Klein counter…
that blusher looks rather cute)
These are great photos, showing the printed ad as well as the makeup line-up. (I can feel my eyes getting closer and closer to the screen…)
Sin also mentioned that the Calvin Klein skincare line will be launched in Hong Kong in December.
Since I wrote about my memories of Calvin Klein cosmetics back in May, I have had some informative comments and e-mails. (Thank you all!) As many of you might already know, Calvin Klein Beauty is re-launching globally. You can read this post for further information. (The post mentions that it will be launched in the UK. Fantastic!)
Again, my sincere thanks goes to Sin for these exciting images! (The photos are from her on-line album. The two other ones, if you are interested, show items of Shiseido Inoui ID.)
Recommended Post:
Beauty Anonymous beautifully recounts her Calvin Klein memories and shows us her very elegant Calvin Klein eye shadow.
Related Post:
Calvin Klein Eyeshadow in Ivory
(My only Calvin Klein item so far…things might change soon!)

(Calvin Klein Eye Shadow in 06 Ivory)
Back in May, I wrote about Calvin Klein Cosmetics to mark the start of my Bring It Back! series. I mentioned I was aware that some on-line shops still carried the line and that I was concerned about the quality (since the line has been discontinued for quite a while).
But, during my trip to Nottingham in June, I was roaming around in a shopping mall and I came across some Calvin Klein makeup products in a cosmetics store! The store had a slightly similar feel to The Company Store in London, which is the Estée Lauder Group outlet store.
I checked the quality of some of the stock, and I was relatively happy. As most of the colors were too dark for my liking, I picked up this matte ivory shade, which is good as a base for other eyeshadows. It can also work as a subtle brow-bone or face highlighter.
This is the only Calvin Klein Cosmetics item I have, and it is a very welcome addition to my white eyeshadow collection!
Related post:
Fashion City: Nottingham, UK
(Read about a fabulous fashion show I attended there.)

(Pictured above and below: pages from
the Calvin Klein cosmetics catalog)
In the beauty world, Calvin Klein is known for some timeless fragrances. But I will always remember the time when their makeup and skincare line was available in department stores.
The packaging, silvery and transparent, is minimal, sleek, and classic, which is consistent with the Calvin Klein style in fashion. Even though I do tend to favor ornate packaging (like Anna Sui and Paul & Joe), minimal packaging, when done well, is just as exquisite.
The colors seem very neutral, grown-up, and sophisticated (in the Bobbi-Brown kind of way, I suppose). No garish colors or ones that are too experimental. I used to think the colors were too mature. But that was many years ago (and time has certainly passed…).
Once in a while, when I sort out my cosmetics catalogs, I’d glance through these pages and wish I could still see the products in shops.

I know that some of these are still available on-line. But the line was discontinued several years ago and I can’t help but be concerned about the stock quality. My wild dream, though, would be for Calvin Klein to re-launch the whole cosmetics line!
If you have used any product from Calvin Klein cosmetics (makeup or skincare) before, please do drop a line and let me know about it.
More posts in the “Bring It Back!” series to come!
Edited on June 3, 2007:
First of all, thank all of you who left comments on this post. Also, it seems that Calvin Klein is indeed launching a new cosmetics line very soon. Read about it here. (My personal thanks go to Jeffrey, who wrote this post and brought my attention to it.) Although I personally think the packaging is not as good as it was, let’s hope that the quality stays the same!
Edited on September 27, 2007:
The new Calvin Klein cosmetics line has been launched in Hong Kong. Read about it and see photos here!