2024 Holiday

Kose Sekkisei Fall Winter 2024 Base Makeup 1

(images from www.cosme.net)
(info from sekkisei.jp,
www.cosme.net & i-voce.jp)


Kosé Sekkisei will release its fall/winter 2024 base makeup collection in Japan on July 1st. The collection includes:

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Kanebo Milano Collection 2025 Holiday 2024 Base Makeup 1

(image from www.fashion-press.net)
(info from www.kanebo-cosmetics.jp/milano-collection,
www.fashion-press.net, www.cosme.net,
mcs-cosme.com & cosmetics-medical.com)
(works by Alfons Mucha © Mucha Trust)


Kanebo Milano Collection will release Milano Collection 2025 for holiday 2024 in Japan on November 9th. The 2025 collection celebrates the line’s 35th anniversary, and it is created in collaboration with Mucha (a beauty brand that features works by artist Alfons Mucha and is officially recognized by Mucha Trust). There are two versions of the collection (the Kanebo version and the Kanebo GR version).

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