by PJ on Sunday, August 18, 2019
in _Stash Debut, -Muselle, -Muselle Nocturnal, -Pola, 2014 Fall, all about Japanese cosmetics, makeup, makeup - blusher, stash focus
by PJ on Sunday, January 13, 2019
in _Stash Debut, -Coffret d'Or, -Coffret d'Or Gran, -Kanebo, 2014 Fall, 2014 Holiday, all about Japanese cosmetics, makeup, makeup - blusher, stash focus

Over the years, my tastes in blusher colors and pigmentation levels have gradually diversified, and I am now a lot more open to more vibrant blusher colors and more pigmented blushers. However, even though I do have blushers with a subtly glowy or shimmery finish, I still tend to prefer predominantly matte blushers with little or no shimmer. For me, Canmake‘s Mat Fleur Cheeks is a must-try product, and today I will be reviewing 01 Mat Apricot.
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