Since I tried Lunasol’s Sheer Contrast Eyes in 02 Lavender Coral in 2008, it has been one of my favorite purple-toned eyeshadow palettes and the main purple shade in the palette has been my ultimate standard for purple eyeshadows. I like many of the purple eyeshadow palettes I have tried in the last few years, but very few come close to the beautiful Lavender Coral. Shiseido Integrate‘s Pure Big Eyes in VI221 is one of those rare few.
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by PJ on Monday, July 21, 2014
in -Paul & Joe, 2010 Spring, 2012 Summer, 2013 Holiday, all about Japanese cosmetics, beauty tools/accessories, fashion, makeup, makeup - blusher, makeup - eyeshadow, stash focus

(So many cats in this photo……)
Since the Paul & Joe counter at Fenwick closed in May and there was nothing on sale at Paul & Joe at Harrods this summer, I thought I’d post about my winter sale 2013 purchases last December, which I didn’t manage to write about at the time.
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by PJ on Thursday, June 5, 2014
in -Coffret d'Or, -Kanebo, 2012 Fall, 2012 Summer, all about Japanese cosmetics, makeup, makeup - blusher, makeup - eyeshadow, makeup - lip color, makeup - lip gloss, stash focus
by PJ on Wednesday, November 21, 2012
in -Paul & Joe, 2012 Holiday, 2012 Spring, 2012 Summer, all about Japanese cosmetics, makeup, makeup - base makeup, makeup - base makeup - primer/concealer, stash focus

Lavshuca released two Pure Blossoming Eyes Limited Edition Sets for summer 2012. Both sets (01 Pink and 02 Purple) looked very appealing to me, but I decided to go for 02 Purple mainly because the eyeshadow palette in the set reminded me of Lavshuca’s Eye Color Select in PU-1 from spring 2007 (with pale lilac, medium purple, dark blue, and pale yellow gold), a palette I regret not buying. (I have PK-1, BU-1, and PU-2.)
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by PJ on Monday, July 23, 2012
in -Coffret d'Or, -Integrate, -Kanebo, -Lavshuca, -Shiseido, 2012 Summer, all about Japanese cosmetics, makeup, seasonal makeup top 10

Launched on May 18th in Japan, SUQQU‘s Blend Color Eyeshadow in 12 Konruri (the only makeup release from SUQQU for summer 2012) replaces 01 Kakitsubata (launched in fall 2010 and discontinued on May 17th in Japan). While they do appear similar, both their color tones and color compositions are considerably different and I think most people are likely to have a clear preference for one over the other. Today I am taking a closer look at 12 Konruri.
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