Jill Stuart Fall 2008 Makeup Collection

by PJ on Wednesday, July 16, 2008

in -Jill Stuart, 2008 Fall, all about Japanese cosmetics, makeup

(Illuminance –
Jill Stuart fall 2008 makeup Collection)

(All images are from www.jillstuart-beauty.com)

Jill Stuart has updated the official website to include information and images of its fall 2008 makeup collection. The collection includes:

Illuminance Eyes palettes (5 variations, #05 limited-edition)
Mix Blush Compact Illuminance (2 variations, both limited editions)
Lip Luster (3 new shades)
Nail Color N (5 new shades)

(Illuminance Eyes and
Mix Blush Compact Illuminance)

(Illuminance Eyes)

(Mix Blush Compact Illuminance)

Jill Stuart obviously knows what works and has released new editions of eye palettes and blushers. Both are among the brand’s best-selling items. The packaging varies minimally, with slightly different case designs and an added charm for the blusher brush.

However, just like the packaging, I am not seeing anything substantially different from past collections. I feel that I have seen almost all these palettes before, and it seems almost as if the gold prints are added to existing shades of the blusher. (By the way, the information sent to Jill Stuart Club members in Taiwan very clearly (and commendably frankly) states that the gold prints will gradually wear off.)

There is no doubt that this is an extremely beautiful and dreamy collection and that these items will sell well. But I suspect some Jill Stuart fans might be slightly disappointed with the fact that the brand hasn’t been trying hard to come up with new and slightly more creative product designs. In a way, the brand has been so successful that there is probably no need to, at least for the moment.

Hopefully there will be nice surprises for the holiday and (especially) the spring 2009 collection. As a fan, I will remain positive.

Other fall 2008 makeup collections from Japan:





Twany Glamacy

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Brenda Thursday, July 17, 2008

Gahhh I love the packaging it’s gorgeous but I don’t know anywhere that sells this where I am T_T


Mizz x Thursday, July 17, 2008

Looks really pretty, but gotta say, I’ve got Brilliance eyes Gem amethyst and I’m not so crazy about the texture..


PJ Friday, July 18, 2008

Hi Brenda,

The packaging does look really gorgeous and princessy. Currently, Jill Stuart cosmetics is sold in Japan and Taiwan. One of the websites you can purchase Jill Stuart items from is ichibankao.com. It takes PayPal payments and ships internationally. I have shopped from the site for several times and I have been very happy with their services.

Hope it helps, and thank you very much for your comment. Hope to hear from you again! :)


PJ Friday, July 18, 2008

Hi Mizz X,

Views on Jill Stuart’s palettes seem a little divided. One issue appears to be the shimmer fallout. I do experience it sometimes. I don’t dislike the palette because of this (I happen to have Gem Amethyst as well), but it does put me off using it more often (considering the fact that I rarely experience shimmer fallout with eyeshadows).

Thank you very much for your comment again! :)


melanie Saturday, July 26, 2008

Are these available for sale yet? If not, do you know when they will be? I am really loving both the blushes. I haven’t really indulged in much of the Jill Stuart stuff except the mascara but these blushes are tempting!! Thanks so much!


PJ Monday, July 28, 2008

Hi Melanie,

According to Jill Stuart’s website, the fall 2008 collection will be available in Japan from August 1st. The blushers do look very lovely…:)

Thank you for your comment, and hope to hear from you again! :)


yitian Friday, August 8, 2008

Hello pj,

do you remember me? I commented a few months back on your site before turning into a silent reading. I officially hate you now because all your entries on JS cosmetics made me fell in love with them ): and i spent on bomb on them with a shopper. Not that I regretted it though. It’s so awesome, I’m in love :D

To spread my love of the gorgeous pink:

I did an entry on the addicton you induced me to have xD

ps you really have to try the nail lacquers. They’re really really pretty (:


PJ Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hi Yitian,

Yes, I remember you. :)

Thank you very much for the link. It is a great blog post. You have such a beautiful collection of Jill Stuart products. (The nail lacquers are indeed very pretty.) The lipstick and blusher colors are very nice too.

There are several Jill Stuart items I would like to try, but I think I will wait until I get to see the items in person (when I have a chance to go to Japan again). I am sure I will pick up a few things there…

I hope you will enjoy all your Jill Stuart products (and samples)!

Thank you very much for your comment again! :)


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